Madeline Delp, la modelo en silla de ruedas que anhela el título de Miss USA (+Foto)

Imagen referencial. Fuente: El farandi

Madeline Delp compitió por segundo año consecutivo en el Miss North Carolina USA 2019, en busca de cumplir su sueño de ir a Miss USA 2020.

Delp se tuvo que enfrentar a la mayor prueba de su vida, puesto que en un terrible accidente automovilístico que vivió a sus 10 años, en donde su cuerpo quedó aplastado en la parte trasera del carro, entró en estado coma durante algunas semanas.

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Al despertar, se encontró con la noticia de que nunca más volvería a caminar y que había perdido el control de su vejiga. Al pasar los años, Madeline decidió que su condición no la limitaba a cumplir su sueño de convertirse en la primera chica en silla de ruedas en ser Miss USA.

Para lograrlo, primero debía prepararse para ganar la corona de Miss North Carolina USA. En 2018 representó a su ciudad natal, Asheville, en Miss North Carolina USA. Con esta participación, Madeline Delp se convirtió en la primera concursante en silla de ruedas en competir en un concurso de belleza en los Estados Unidos.

A pesar de solo quedar entre las 15 semifinalistas, en el 2019, Madeline repitió con orgullo ser Miss Asheville USA en el certamen Miss North Carolina USA.

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Here’s a crazy thing that happened with my legs during the swimsuit competition… When the curtain rises for the beginning of the show, there is no stopping or delaying the process of events. This means that you have to do wardrobe changes in a matter of minutes! Being the girl who always went first because of representing “Asheville”, this certainly made things a bit challenging. We might all put our pants on one leg at a time, but it usually goes quicker when the legs can move themselves 😂 Anyway, the time came when I was putting on my boots for the opening number and was having trouble getting my foot in. I tried and tried but had a feeling my toes were getting a bit crushed on the inside because they weren’t going in straight. Someone came in to find me and I had to leave it how it was and go on stage. Well I realized as soon as I came back in the dressing room to change into my swimsuit that something was wrong with my toe. It was spasming every time I touched it 😯 But I didn’t have time to do anything but change, so I raced to put on my bathing suit and get ready to go back on stage. Before I went on, I knew things were going to be challenging – my toe might have had a sprain or even a small fracture and my foot was not happy in my new shoe. My left leg started spasming so strongly that it was pulling my whole body forward. Swimsuit is not exactly the part of the competition that you want to be bracing yourself for… you obviously want to look as straight and lean as possible, not hunched forward with rolls 😂 The picture you are seeing is me bracing myself as strongly as possible trying not to fall forward (all with a smile 😃). I tell you this because I always want to keep things real – while I had a team of people who prepared me to look like this on stage, it doesn’t stop the fact that the imperfections of life still arose. For me it was such a good metaphor for life, challenges will ALWAYS come up no matter how hard we try, but you have to just smile and push through the best you can! (Check Out the @aeroflow_healthcare Articles to read more.) The jury is still out about my toe, but it’s safe to say I won’t be wearing boots for a while 😉

A post shared by Madeline Elizabeth Delp (@liveboundlessgirl) on

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