Protestas en Francia contra abuso policial deja decenas de detenidos (+Fotos y video)

Disturbios en Francia |Foto: AFP

Disturbios en Francia |Foto: AFP

Francia detuvo a 37 personas cerca de París en disturbios que estallaron tras una manifestación de apoyo al joven negro presuntamente sodomizado con una porra durante un control policial, indicó este domingo una fuente de seguridad.

Cerca de 2.000 personas protestaron el sábado a las afueras de un tribunal para pedir justicia para Théo, la joven víctima de 22 años, que tuvo que ser operado tras sufrir heridas graves en su zona rectal durante un control de identidad practicado por la policía en Aulnay-sous-Bois, al norte de la capital francesa.

La protesta en la localidad de Bobigny, cerca de Aulnay-sous-Bois, comenzó de forma pacífica, con varios oradores que denunciaron la violencia policial y la agresión contra el joven.

Pero, algunos manifestantes comenzaron a enfrentarse a la policía y causaron destrozos en las calles: coches calcinados, vitrinas y marquesinas destrozadas, etc.

En medio del caos, uno de los manifestantes que abandonaba el lugar, un adolescente de 16 años, salvó a una niña sentada en un coche cuyo capó estaba en llamas.

La policía, que detuvo a unas 50 personas desde el inicio de las protestas, acusó “a cientos” de individuos de cometer varios “actos de violencia y degradación”.

Los suburbios del norte de París han vivido una semana de disturbios nocturnos desde que estalló el escándalo, después de que Théo acusara a un policía de haberlo sodomizado con su porra.

El agente en cuestión fue imputado por violación, y tres de sus colegas por violencia. Los cuatro fueron suspendidos de sus funciones.

El caso de Théo ha despertado las protestas de jóvenes de los barrios de mayoría inmigrante, que acusan a la policía de multiplicar los controles agresivos contra ellos y de hacer un uso excesivo de la fuerza durante los arrestos.

El sábado, otras manifestaciones que reclamaban “Justicia para Théo” se celebraron en Ruan (oeste), donde dos personas fueron detenidas, y en Toulouse (suroeste) y Nantes (centro-norte), donde no hubo incidentes. AFP

A continuación reportes gráficos de las protestas:




Anti riot police officers stand guard during a protest in Bobigny, a district of northeast Paris, to denounce police brutality after a black man was allegedly sodomised with a baton during an arrest while in their custody in Paris on February 11, 2017. A 22-year-old black youth worker named as Theo, a talented footballer with no criminal record, required surgery after his arrest on February 2, 2017 when he claims a police officer sodomized him with his baton. One officer has been charged with rape and three others with assault over the incident in the tough northeastern suburb of Aulnay-sous-Bois which has revived past controversies over alleged police brutality. / AFP PHOTO / GEOFFROY VAN DER HASSELT

Anti riot police officers stand guard during a protest in Bobigny, a district of northeast Paris, to denounce police brutality after a black man was allegedly sodomised with a baton during an arrest while in their custody in Paris on February 11, 2017. A 22-year-old black youth worker named as Theo, a talented footballer with no criminal record, required surgery after his arrest on February 2, 2017 when he claims a police officer sodomized him with his baton. One officer has been charged with rape and three others with assault over the incident in the tough northeastern suburb of Aulnay-sous-Bois which has revived past controversies over alleged police brutality. / AFP PHOTO / GEOFFROY VAN DER HASSELT

A elderly woman passes as anti riot police officers stand guard during a protest in Bobigny, a district of northeast Paris, to denounce police brutality after a black man was allegedly sodomised with a baton during an arrest while in their custody in Paris on February 11, 2017. A 22-year-old black youth worker named as Theo, a talented footballer with no criminal record, required surgery after his arrest on February 2, 2017 when he claims a police officer sodomized him with his baton. One officer has been charged with rape and three others with assault over the incident in the tough northeastern suburb of Aulnay-sous-Bois which has revived past controversies over alleged police brutality. / AFP PHOTO / GEOFFROY VAN DER HASSELT

This picture taken on February 11, 2017 shows the inside of a vandalised Franprix supermarket during a protest in Bobigny, a district of northeast Paris, to denounce police brutality after a black man was allegedly sodomised with a baton during an arrest while in their custody in Paris. A 22-year-old black youth worker named as Theo, a talented footballer with no criminal record, required surgery after his arrest on February 2, 2017 when he claims a police officer sodomized him with his baton. One officer has been charged with rape and three others with assault over the incident in the tough northeastern suburb of Aulnay-sous-Bois which has revived past controversies over alleged police brutality. / AFP PHOTO / GEOFFROY VAN DER HASSELT

This picture taken on February 11, 2017 shows the inside of a vandalised Franprix supermarket during a protest in Bobigny, a district of northeast Paris, to denounce police brutality after a black man was allegedly sodomised with a baton during an arrest while in their custody in Paris. A 22-year-old black youth worker named as Theo, a talented footballer with no criminal record, required surgery after his arrest on February 2, 2017 when he claims a police officer sodomized him with his baton. One officer has been charged with rape and three others with assault over the incident in the tough northeastern suburb of Aulnay-sous-Bois which has revived past controversies over alleged police brutality. / AFP PHOTO / GEOFFROY VAN DER HASSELT

People gather by a vandalized Franprix supermarket during protest in Bobigny, a district of northeast Paris, to denounce police brutality after a black man was allegedly sodomised with a baton during an arrest while in their custody in Paris on February 11, 2017. A 22-year-old black youth worker named as Theo, a talented footballer with no criminal record, required surgery after his arrest on February 2, 2017 when he claims a police officer sodomized him with his baton. One officer has been charged with rape and three others with assault over the incident in the tough northeastern suburb of Aulnay-sous-Bois which has revived past controversies over alleged police brutality. / AFP PHOTO / GEOFFROY VAN DER HASSELT

Breeders of the French farmers union 'Confederation paysanne' demonstrate with a placard reading 'Let me live on my farm, I got infected on a truck' at the Place du Capitole in Toulouse, southwestern France, February 12, 2017, to demand a rethinking of the poultry sector in the South-West. An investigation into the spread of the avian flu virus in the south-west of France has ben recently launched to find out if contaminated batches of birds have been sold knowingly to breeders, thus promoting the spread of the virus. / AFP PHOTO / REMY GABALDA


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